Voter Resources
Voter Registration
Your vote counts. To find voter information like whether you are currently registered, your registration address and absentee ballot information, please visit the Idaho Secretary of State’s website for such information at
Where to Vote
Polling locations are organized by precinct in Bonner County. Early voting is usually available two weeks before the election at the Bonner County administration building at Hwy 2 and Division in Sandpoint. To see the most up-to-date precinct maps for Bonner County and to find your polling location, you can visit the Bonner County clerk’s website – Bonner County Precinct Maps. Just zoom in on the map to see the boundaries of each voting precinct, and enter your address to find your polling location.
Republican Affiliation
Idaho Republican Party Rules Governing the eligibility to affiliate with Idaho Republican Party:
A) Effective June 1, 2023, any qualified voter shall be eligible to affiliate with the Idaho Republican Party and must be affiliated by December 30th of each year in order to vote in the Idaho Republican Primary to occur in the following year. If an elector was affiliated with any party in Idaho other than the Idaho Republican Party when seeking to change their affiliation or at any time in the prior twelve (12) months, they must wait twelve (12) months from December 30th of the year they wish to affiliate in order to affiliate with the Idaho Republican Party.
B) The provisions set forth in this rule shall not apply to newly qualified voters.