Prop 1 is Ranked Choice Voting

Vote No on Proposition 1. Many people have moved to Idaho from California or other western states where many bad laws have been passed by ballot initiative. Idaho has the same challenge. This November 5, vote NO on proposition 1. Prop 1 was created and financed by an...

Vote NO on Prop 1 and Ranked Choice Voting

Resolution Against Prop 1 and Ranked Choice Voting The Communist Party of the USA has endorsed Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho’s Proposition 1 to turn Idaho into a liberal, socialist state. The minority Idaho Democrats also support the resolution. Proposition 1...
BCRCC Republican Candidate Forum April 13

BCRCC Republican Candidate Forum April 13

Successful Bonner County Republican Central Committee candidate forum from Saturday April 13, 2024.   If you missed it, here is the video from the BCRCC Republican candidate forum from April 13, 2024. The Republican primary election is Tuesday May 21, 2024....
Democrats that Deceive

Democrats that Deceive

Democrats are working to deceive conservative Republicans. During the last two election cycles, there are several groups operating in Bonner County that are hiding who they are while they pretend to be “conservatives” so that they can deceive the...
From the Chair – BCRCC votes against censure

From the Chair – BCRCC votes against censure

Regarding censure of Bonner County Commissioners. On Tuesday evening, September 19, 2023 the majority of the members of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee voted against the censure of Bonner County Commissioners Steven Bradshaw and Luke Omodt. The vote for...