Scott Herndon for Idaho Senate

Buy Tickets Now for the BCRCC MAGA Celebration Dinner on March 8, 2025 in Sandpoint!

Join Us for an incredible MAGA Celebration Dinner. The Trump Train has taken off, and we are headed to the Golden Age. Get a discount on general admission if you buy your tickets by February 14, 2025!




Prop 1 is Ranked Choice Voting

Idaho’s Proposition 1 is Ranked Choice Voting and a Top 4 primary. Prop 1 threatens Idaho’s election security and will require Idaho to use Dominion Voting Systems. Prop 1 is funded by out-of-state billionaires who also want Open Borders and Open Bathrooms.

Vote NO on Prop 1 and Ranked Choice Voting

The Communist Party of the USA has endorsed Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho’s Proposition 1 to turn Idaho into a liberal, socialist state. The minority Idaho Democrats also support the resolution. President Trump and the Idaho Republican Party both oppose Ranked Choice Voting in Prop 1.

BCRCC Republican Candidate Forum April 13

Here is the video of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee’s candidate forum on Saturday April 13, 2024. Featured are candidates for State Senate, State Representative, and county offices on the May 21, 2024 Republican primary election ballot.

Democrats that Deceive

Their are several Democrat groups in Bonner County pretending to be conservatives while they oppose conservative Republicans for office. Watch out for Idaho Moms and North Idaho Voter Services, two of these Center Left groups.

From the Chair – BCRCC votes against censure

The Bonner County Republican Central Committee voted against the censure of Bonner County commissioners Steven Bradshaw and Luke Omodt in relation to three alleged violations of the Idaho Constitution and the Idaho Republican Party Platform.



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